Recently I've been having receiving quite a fair bit of samples & freebies. Stuff ranging from full sized products to trial kits, beauty products to home sundries and even food & beverage. It's always so fun to receive something in the mail and getting that chance to test out a new product or a always-wanted-to-buy product first, then deciding to buy it after testing :)
Some babes n guys have been asking where I get my freebies & samples from. Hehehehe... Alright, I'll tell u... It's from this site called The Sample Store. They've got soooooo many different goodies to send for free. From open shelf beauty and skin care products to premium-priced to-die-for products. Some come in trial sized kits, some are travel-sized packs/bottles. Sometimes, you even received full-sized products to test out! Cool right?! Of course some magazine also give freebies n samples. but quite a hassle to scour through the pages, and email or even cut-out-fill-up-send-out to get the samples. I find it so much easier to just go to The Sample Store and register for a FREE account, then browse by either brand or category for the products u want.
Errrr..... So what are u guys waiting for huh? Go sign up lah! Here, link provided already. No need to type, just click here: The Sample Store and sign up n start receiving your samples. I've already gotten quite a few sets. Trying them all out now. I'll be writing the reviews soon. So go ahead n grab your freebies too :) Once again, The Sample Store.
Oh by the way, if you like a particular product, you can actually buy them from The Sample Store too. Go, sign up and start exploring. Registration is very simple and takes less than a minute.
Have fun!!!