Saturday, June 30, 2007

Busy Bee...

Hi all... I've been super busy lately. Pls forgive my lack of posts. We are going thru a major makeover in the office now, with some re-structuring, and people leaving, and possibly new boss etc etc etc... And I've been kept very busy.

So pls bear with me. I will try and write something really soon. Pls don't abandon me yet.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Burnt out

Was quite burnt out at work. Lately there had been a lot of challenges. Every week, I'd have a new case of screw-ups to solve. Customers have been complaining quite a fair bit and our counterparts in Norway have been trying very hard (I hope!) to help ease the situation. Duke O told me to bear with it for another 2-3 weeks and the situation should improve. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I do anticipate another set of problems to surface.

Apart from a supply-demand situation, recently, we've also encountered a delivery challenge. With missed connections, delayed flights and many more teasers, I'm quite sure my blood pressure has risen to dangerously high levels. Prince L & his team in Norway's most reliable logistics company must now ensure that I don't die of a sudden heart failure due to anymore delivery mishaps. Hear that Prince L???

Anyway, a couple of weeks back, RK visited EJ in Korea. And when she came back, she brought back a gift on behalf of EJ for me. It's a pair of hand-painted dolls in traditional Korean costumes. So cute. Thks EJ, appreciate it. Wonder how many Chupa-Chups left?! Oh, and RK, if you're reading this, thks for being the courier! Hahahaha.....

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Campus Super Star 2

Caught Campus Super Star 2 last night. And the only reason I did that was to watch the much talked about 13 year old boy from Loyang Secondary School sing. Everywhere I go, everyone I spoke to, would tell me about this boy.

So I followed the entire show on TV yesterday evening. Patiently as the other contestant struggled thru their songs. Well, I shld say that most of them sang very well. But there were 2 boys who, when they opened their mouths to sing, I nearly fell off my chair. Even Li Fei Hui said he almost fell off his chair! Wondered if it was because he was plain nervous on stage, or it was only lucky to have made it to the top 20.

Anyway, my verdict for the 13 year old Shawn was, very good (for his age lah). I also admired his courage. The one thing that I'm not convinced is his outlook. maybe still very young, so looks super baby-faced. Dressing was also too kiddy. Needless to say, the hairstyle was... -_-

I kind of wonder if the next batch of 10 hopefuls would be better than the first batch. I also wonder if I'd watch the next round of competition... What do you guys think?

Monday, June 4, 2007

Have such things happened to you? Or are you guilty yourself?

I just need to complain...

Scenario 1:

Someone told me today, "Sorry, we don't have the product to match your requirement." And I waited for a really long time to be advised an alternative. Nothing came. I had to call up and ask if there was an alternative...

Imagine you walk into a supermarket, and asked if they have ABC brand of detergent. And the staff just looks at you, smiles and says, "Nope". Then walks away. Why can't he/she just say "No, we don't carry that brand, but there are other brands available and they are just down that way in row 5 isle..." or something like that. Geez....

Scenario 2:

"I'm not in-charge, pls ask so-and-so" ... familiar? Just a while ago, I asked a simple question, to a person whom in my opinion I would have the best answer from or would have provided a solution. But to my utmost disappointment, the reply was "Don't know, not me, pls ask so-and-so."

So if you ring up a bank to enquire abt a credit card problem. After the infamously long automated answering system, you finally get thru and someone answers. And you ask "I had a double debit in my credit card statement, can you help me?" And the person on the other line just says "Sorry, you've got the wrong department, pls call the main line again and select another option." And then hangs up. Urrgghhhhhh!!!!

Scenario 3:

Then there was the incident where I tell someone to assist me in retrieving some information, and this someone just handed me a stack of papers and told me it's all in there.

Like if you get your assistant to extract some information for a very urgent report. And then she comes back with about 10 files and says "Boss, all the details are filed in here. You can find them yourself. I have to rush home for dinner." And then walks out!!!

I wonder how such people can exist. I wonder how they actually feel when the same thing happens to them instead. Will they complain about it as well? Would they have realised that they behaved in the exact same way?

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Just had to take this pic with my mobile phone. Can't get a nicer color though... But then again, what so you guys expect, it's only a phone camera!

Wonder how the sunset up on Mt Fuji is gonna look like... Can't wait to climb that mountain.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Office pest

This blog is written by request of my colleagues, because they HAD ENOUGH!

Recently we had a very serious problem in the office. A particular staff member is plagued by a serious attitude problem. Let's just call this person Cockroach.

Cockroach performs support work in the company and is supposed to help solve some problems that we may have on a day to day basis. However, from the first few days after Cockroach joined us, it (yes, it, because it's a pest and not fit to be human) has been giving all of us in the office a tough time.

Cockroach has a very bad habit of passing sarcastic remarks and talking hurtfully about the rest of the staff in the office. Most of the girls we have here had, in the past, and even till today been verbally "abused" by this disgusting pest.

Whenever there was a legitimate problem that needed to be looked at, the girls would attempt to fix it themselves. They'll try all ways and methods to rectify the problem. Poor them would rather call nearly a hundred other people round the world for help. But if all else fails, then they'd reluctantly seek his help to fix the problems. And almost always, whenever they ring the pest, they'd get an earful of unnecessary comments hurled into their faces.

Apart from being very rude, the pest is also very inconsiderate, and has practically zero sense of responsibility. In Chinese, we say 没有公德心,没有品德, 没有责任感.

Just recently, the pest nearly had all of us dead in the office due to a careless and inconsiderate act.

Now, I shall pause writing this blog further in case you people out there think I'm crazy, but victims, please feel free to comment freely. Do not write names in here though as I don't intend to get into a cat fight with the Cockroach. Although I do know that I will win hands-down for sure! hahahahahaha....