Just came back home from the Gala Premiere of Director Jack Neo's Money No Enough 2. It was @ GV Vivo City. And as usual, very very star-studded. So many Mediacorp Celebs, JTeam artistes & I met Benjamin there also lor!!! Goodness, just as we keep poking each other on facebook and leaving messages back and forth, it was such a co-incident that we met at the gala. Hehehe...
Well, I have to say again, MNE2 is really worth the watch. During the show, there were even rounds of applause for the fantastic jokes and also sobs for quite a few touching scenes. And of course practically everyone burst out laughing throughout, very uncontrollably because Henry Thia (Hui-Ge) is really very very comical. I applaud Auntie Lai Meng for her impressive display of acting skills. It seems she might have a chance at the next Golden Horse Awards!
And 10 years ago, Money No Enough premiered on only 12 screens. 10 years later, Money No Enough 2 will premiere on 59 screens! WOW... Also, 10 years ago, the story about Money No Enough was typically about not having enough money. 10 years later, Money No Enough 2 reflected more than not having enough money. OK, can't reveal anymore.... Just go book your tickets and watch the movie. Confirm laugh till you drop! And, erm... if there are any parts of the dialogue you don't understand hor, pls feel free to read the subtitles below hor. Spent a lot of time and effort doing it one lor... :D
Anyway, I didn't take much pictures, because I was very busy sipping my red wine & ogling at very nice people. But still, managed to have a pic taken with the very handsome 715 Qi YuWu.