Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Virtual shopping - My shoes

I had been let loose on a uncontrolled shopping spree lately. You know how scary it can be when a woman is given the opportunity to go shopping (either physical or virtual)!

I've just bought some stuff to add to my exploding "shoe-store" and dresser. I already have many many many many pairs of shoes all either stashed in the shoe drawer or in the storeroom, and many still in boxes, yet to be worn. And I'm still buying! And the best part of it all, I wear only that same few pairs everyday! So why the hell am I still buying new ones? Because I am a woman! No, wait.... Correction...Because I AM THE PRINCESS! Muahahahaha.....

Anyway, these are what I have bought so far...

I just super love the PINK one (of course, it's PINK!) And the GOLD wedge is more for casual occasions like... going to the supermarket?! And the BLACK one (which I already wore to the office the other day) is just classy. And then the GOLD strappy one is just GLAM! And, to shock you all further, there are all 5 inches high! (Erm... I am already quite tall myself, so these make me tower over quite a lot of ppl...) Wahahahahahaha... OK, so I now have to be very careful when I wear them out, so that I don't fall and break the heels or sprain my ankles or something. And you people out there, if you do see me in those killer-heels, pls be kind, give way to me, and don't ever dare attempt to bump into me just to make me fall. I might just knock yr head with the so-sharp stilettos!

P/S: These weren't the only stuff I bought online. There are also some lovely clothes as well as some ultra sweet cosmetics. I'll post when I have time.

P/P/S: Don't ask me how much I spent... Can't bear to look in my bank account now...

P/P/P/S: I actually showed Michelle & Mei Chin the shoes, and "wickedly" tempted them to buy too. But hey, they will benefit with beautiful shoes too you know!

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