Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A "bright" new office

After 2 weeks (I thought someone said it'll be over in 3 to 5 days) of renovations, we came back to work yesterday to a very messy, dusty, disorganised office. There were still contractors running around and I was completely thrown off balance when I saw the work-station Michelle & Jessica were allocated. It had RED partition panels! I remember we were give 3 colours to choose from, GREEN, BLUE & RED. I told Michelle & Jessica to choose since they were the ones sitting there, so they settled on BLUE. But somehow, when I came back yesterday, it was RED (not my idea!!!) I wasn't prepared for it, but then again, I wasn't surprised. People change their minds really fast around here, and probably too fast to send the info round. Either that, or the earlier asking part was probably just a topic to talk about. I'm not sure. I'm just assuming.

Colours aside, my room (new room) was... well... weird. I can't describe it in words. Just looks strange, and feels... weird. It's smaller than my old room. But still has a sea view. Although from a slightly different angle. And the room's quite dark. They already added an additional set of lights in here, but still dark. (Dark office rooms no good according to the books of wind & water, I was told). There's a water sprinkler directly over my head (probably they think I'm too hot-headed, so they position me under the water to put out some flames (probably some wind & water theory, I don't know). But I'm not allowed to complain. It's supposed to be a nice room (according to someone). And it's a decision from somewhere-up-there that I move. So here I am. Moved. To the new office room. I'm not used to it. Yet. And I'm having a bad headache & dizzy spells today (wonder if it's anything to do with the wind & water?)

But I must say that the pale beige wall-paper with a tinge on gold is pretty nice. Reflects light well to make the whole office brighter. The carpets have been replace with laminated wood flooring so we won't be breathing in dust all the time. And the ceiling boards have been changed too. All the big partitions have been torn down, leaving the office look very... open. Not much privacy left unfortunately for the girls out there, but it's supposed to be a friendlier environment. So now, this office looks 99.9% like the office in Hjelmeland! Duke O, Prince H, if you do come by (again), you'll feel like you're at home... To those others who've never been to Norway, just think Ikea colours!

Oh, did I mention that I'm not allowed to walk around in my stilettos anymore? It makes loud clacking noises on the floor. It might be too irritating for the others as I tend to strut around the office quite a lot. To the pantry for a lot of water, to the photocopier, to the toilet etc. I might piss the hell out of some people if I run around in my 3.5 inch heels too. Oh, I might scratch the flooring! So I have to put on rubber soled sandals. Hmm... I wonder...

Anyway, there are more additions and add-ons yet to be complete in here. So over the next few days, or week, I might be further surprised/shocked/astonished by whatever that might change/add-on. Till then...

Oh, I just realised, my room door faces directly into the storeroom/server-room door. Is that good in wind & water? Anyone out there to advice?

P/S. I'm not a staunch believer in this wind & water thingy. Most things are fated & happen for a reason. So it's not gonna help much to force a change on things to get them going in your direction. But of course, everyone for themselves. It's only normal that people change certain things for the better, or to compliment their direction. But it may not suit the rest of everyone. In my opinion, as long as things are not strangely out of place or shockingly mis-matched colours used, it don't bother me. But if everything has to be a wind & water reason, then it's probably too over-board. At least I feel that way. I heard a couple of girls feeling the same way too.

P/P/S. It's been a very challenging day today, with some people testing my patience. Wind & water again? Hahahaha.....I'm mocking it, can't you see?

P/P/P/S. OK, I'm just being mean.

P/P/P/P/S. Shall I post pics of the office here? Hmmm...


Jimmy Lee said...

hihi...everything see ur blog make me hungry de lor....

Well hope you can vote me for the SG best entertaining award hor..haha


If can, link me to ur blog..xie xie

Anonymous said...

五行八掛來裝修, 青龍白虎左右來
自古耕田不耕海, 唯有腦殘把海耕

Princess Carol said...

Hi Jimmy, thks for dropping by!

Hi Anonymous, 很深奥的两句话呀。。。
不过,说真的,我个人认为,人的命,唯有天注定。但吃多少,穿多少,可不可以由自个儿掌控?改改风水或许能带给一些人所谓的精神安慰,从中让他们觉得环境的改善等于命运的改变。。。 摆条龙,两只虎,几条鱼可否真的让经济好转?若要真能这样,那就不会有命苦,或穷人了吧。。。

Anonymous said...

腦殘先是荷蘭人, 然後來個蘇格蘭.
北京上海湊一堆, 不耕地來只犁海.
古今誰人會耕海 ? 兩"蘭"北京加上海.


Anonymous said...



過路人字。 。 。

Anonymous said...

我覺得腦殘上人的詩含意頗深, 類似劉伯溫的推背圖或燒餅歌. 似乎要破天機給凡人.


Anonymous said...








Princess Carol said...

OMG! I wrote a very long article in English, and all the comments are in Chinese! Hahahaha....

OK, let me read them one by one, and very slowly, cos some one actually typed in traditional Chinese! Plus very complicated phrases... Hmm... I think these days, only the Taiwanese type in traditional Chinese text eh...

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

This article discussed the Wind&Water and honestly not that easy to express the core spirt of it by using English. BTW, it is a prejudiced view if we distinguish the sender's country by traditional or simplified character, coz all could be manipulated by software. Good article always attract more comments from worldwide. So..belows are my opinion about ur this article + Wind&Water.....
所謂風水, 氣也 ! 它是恆古存在, 你行不行它, 它都在那兒. 就像天風. 春有東風秋有西風. 春行東風萬物生焉. 秋行西風萬物伏焉. 生也是善, 伏也是善. 春秋代序, 四季有常. 氣若無風, 便是朱子口中的惡氣...未完, 待續

第三屆亞洲杯智能不足競賽冠軍候補- 小花花