Wednesday, February 6, 2008

恭喜发财!!!Happy New Year!!! GONG HEI FATT CHOY!!!

Finally had time to do my hair. Poor me have been working and rushing to the bones (Actually I put on weight because of excessive eating of pineapple tarts and cookies etc etc etc!).

Late yesterday evening, I went to see my stylist, Alan. I told him to do something simple and touch up color. And then I asked him how long it was going to take. His reply was “我要你陪我三个钟头。乖乖的坐在这里,三个钟头。哪里都不可以去!”

I looked like an alien! And that's Alan (in red) in the mirror reflection

So I sat there, for hours... And I meant HOURS! It wasn't 3 hours like he said. It was more than 4 hours!!! Hahaha... Poor me, and my butt! During that 4+ hours, I had rollers and steam and cream in my hair. At the end of it, I emerged with wild curls and red hair. Yes, RED! "Auspicious", he said. *** Fainted ***

But it was really relaxing to sit there and have so many people fuss over my hair. And the hair washes and massages really took the load off my head.

Thks Alan, for staying after hours just to fix my hair. I was the last customer for the day!

And to everyone reading my blog, I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy, Fruitful and Prosperous Lunar New Year!!! 恭喜发财!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
