Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bad Mood... Elephant in the sky!

I'm in a bad mood today. I'm really in a terrible mood today. So many things have gone wrong. Can't understand how some people function at all. Grrr.....

Anyway, I saw an elephant in the sky the other day. Really, it's an elephant... In the sky... I'm not kidding! See...

Why was the elephant in the sky? Doesn't it know that it's really heavy? Walking around in the sky like that means putting it's weight on us, isn't it? That equates to putting us under pressure, don't you think so? Maybe that's why I'm under so much stress... Maybe that's why I'm upset... Maybe...

OK, I'm rambling my frustrations... It's got nothing to do with Dumbo up there... I'm just in a bad mood...

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