Friday, September 28, 2007

Smiling Donut & Hello Kitty Mints

A smiling donut made my day... I'm a sucker for such things. They are so cute. And the pink one next to the smiling donut was like sooooo PINK! Actually bought them from POP DOH a few days ago. There were so many different types, in all sorts of shapes and colors with different toppings. Had the urge to buy 1 of each type, but that would mean I'll look like a donut myself by the end of the week!

Even the box is PINK!

Another discovery I made... And it's soooooo cute! HELLO KITTY PEACH MINTS! Even the words on the tin box was PINK... These retailers really know how to make my money!

Wonder why PINK attracts my attention... Even the mouse I use is PINK! Hahaha... OK, time to catch some sleep... Good night my friends! And do feel free to send me PINKY stuff!


Unknown said...

yea pink! i always fall into it's trap as well. even my entire room is pink. girlsss.... i don ustand. haha.

Anonymous said...

haha,hello hello, nice smiling donut there, i'm nuts for donuts man. ultimate sucker for it.. pardon me, i'm going to use it for my msn pic.. hahaha... are u some donut fan too.. or u juz like PINK donuts.... haha... where's e outlet man... i want chocolate and strawberry donuts !!! haha....

