Thursday, June 12, 2008

A new addition to the family

Good news!!! 家有喜事!!! My Black ND Soot, had given birth to a baby!

Soot on the right, baby on the left

Close up of baby hiding behind the food bowl

Soot was struggling in labour on Saturday morning. I noticed she was quite traumatised since a few days before. She was just acting really weird, pulling hay and newspapers and tucking them in a corner of the playpen. And she was also very aggressive towards Snowy. And finally, in the wee hours of Saturday 7th June, at about 3.30am, she gave birth!

I haven't decided what to name it yet

See, so cute, and so tiny!

It was a pair of twins, but only 1 survived. The other was still born :( I'm not sure if it's a boy of a girl yet. But it sure does look very strong to me. Let's hope you grow up to be a healthy baby bunny!

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